** Please note: This software is functional but is still in early development. You can help development by providing feedback and reporting any issues.**
A suite of fun & functional tools
designed for pixel art
Agave Art Sweet separates major features into separate modules to help you focus on one task at a time.
Modules start up where you left off – so your last canvas, project, or browsing session will be right there for you. Each module has help to give you contextual commands and workflow tips. All modules come with Agave, no additional downloads, plug-ins, scripts, etc.
1-bit Creator
A 2 color image creator with basic rendering tools like noise, bubbles, and mirroring. Designed for fun & simplicity. A stepping stone to a more advanced editor.
- A grand total of 2 user defined colors!!
- Quickly see your art in different colors
- Save, Load, and Export your art
Layer Player
A layer-based image builder, it could be described as an ‘interactive collage builder’.
Load and position images on layers to create new content, like scenes, characters, abstract art, etc.
When you combine multiple layers and the full set of features you can test and create parallax scenes and simple animations without any timeline or editing experience.
- Import up to 8 images as layers
- Modify layer properties like size, transparency, rotation, etc.
Image Browser
A browser with a focus on exploring and displaying art asset packs.
Using the Image Browser tools you can combine custom backgrounds with your images to make stylized image/sprite sheets, explore concepts, and make new art.
The Browser interface can be hidden and zoom can go to 20000% to give you a great look at the pixels.
- ‘Single Image’ and ‘View Folder’ modes
- Custom background color or image
- Basics like size, pixel RGB info, X/Y location, pan, and zoooooom
- In Folder mode you can set the number of columns and image spacing
- Slideshow mode
- Configure quick links to open images in other applications/editors
Viewing at Maximum Zoom in different applications…
A module to help you make icons, portraits, thumbnails and other content from your existing images. Have fun with this simple and ‘hands-on’ approach to converting images into a pixel [mosaic] style.
- Makes pixel images from 4×4 up to 128×128
- Crop, re-size, and stretch your starting image using the module workflow
- Counts up to 128 unique colors in pixel output
- Displays pixel quantity of the top 16 colors
- 3 workspace modes
- Accessibility/visibility options
- Quick and easy workflow
The examples below were made with the Pixelizer module using illustrations and photographs – the output was enlarged using the Image Browser module. No other edits were made.
Original photographs from various artists on Pixabay and Pexels.
Turmite Farm
A living sandbox with digital creatures [cellular automata] that build amazing patterns and designs. If you like fun glitchy art and patterns then you should give this a try!
Turmites are creatures that live on a grid and follow simple rules to move around and change the colors on the grid. You can learn more about Turmites here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turmite
- Experiment with Langton Ants and other unique turmite creatures
- Pause and 11 speed settings
- Save & load your farms
- 1-click export farm as image
- Build, save, and import custom color palettes using standard .pal files
Several example farms are included with the application files in a folder named ‘turmite-farm-examples‘